Project development
- Partners search
- Site identification
- Feasability study
Phase I
- Co-development agreement
- Project specifications
- Front end engineering
- Evaluation report
Phase II
- SPV set up
- Permitting
- Financing search
- Audit and due diligence
You are an Operator in industrial environnements strongly CO2 emitting, you are facing waste outlets issues, you wish to reduce your facilities’ environmental impact without downgrading your energetical and financial performances, SG Energies is here to propose you solutions that can suit your needs.

Priorising local and circular economy, we evaluate the energy valorisation potentiallity of your industrial waste or synthetic gas generated by your process. We study the most suitable technical and financial solutions to get the best out of it. We build with you this project that will improve your environmental and economical performances.

1 rue de la Vigne
33 560 Carbon-Blanc
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